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Scott Shepherd's Weblog Posts

Three Year Bucket List posted on 12/10/2009

Today, after receiving a pair of free tickets to the Pistons/Nuggets game at the Palace, I had a few reactions.


My first one was, “Hell Yeah! Free Pistons Tickets!”


The second one was, “Have I seen Carmelo Anthony in person?” I had to think about it, but nope, I’ve never seen ‘Melo play.


The fact is, I haven’t seen a lot of the best players in the game play.


When I was younger, I went to a ton of Pistons games, and I saw most if not all of the best players of the 90’s play in person.


But when you spend a good portion of the 2000’s in college, and the rest of it fresh out of college still looking for that high paying job that the $30,000 piece of paper you just received tells you that you deserve, it becomes a little tougher financially to squeeze in a whole lot of Piston games.

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An End to the Tim Donaghy Scandal (Hopefully) posted on 12/04/2009

Tim Donaghy, the referee who spent 15 months in a federal prison for his role in a betting scandal that rocked the NBA, is out of prison and looking to make a splash once again.


The NBA did a phenomenal job sweeping the whole Donaghy scandal under the rug as best they could when the revelations were made public that he had ties to organized crime and that he may or may not have affected the outcomes of NBA games.


Beyond the initial outrage, little was mentioned of Tim Donaghy and his potentially crippling claims that he bet on NBA games that he was officiating. The NBA public relations department did a great job of painting Donaghy as a “rouge” employee and assuring the public that this was a very isolated incident.


I believe that the NBA even had a hand in getting Donaghy’s sentencing hearing pushed back from April (which would have happened during the first week of the NBA playoffs, a terrible time to remind people that there once was a referee that bet on game) to later in the summer when the NBA season was over.

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(0 comments) is awesome posted on 12/01/2009 is awesome. It’s a great place to waste time.

If you’ve never heard of it, basically it is a website that gives you the topic to a list of people, places, or things, and you have a certain amount on time to guess all the answers in the list. 

They have a lot of pop culture quizzes, and some pretty good sports ones as well.

Today, I stumbled across the list of the 80 players to play in an NBA all-star game in the 2000’s. Here’s a link to it. 

I got 55 of the 80. I drew a complete blank on two obvious ones, spent way too much time on them, and didn’t finish in time. I’m pretty disappointed with my score.

How many can you get right in 8 minutes?

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That Guy Scored 50?? posted on 11/30/2009
A few days ago I posted a blog listing the best scorers in the NBA today that have yet to have a 50-point scoring game.

While researching that post, I had an even more interesting idea for a post.

It’s a list of guys who, unbelievably, had a 50-point game in their career.

Since I was using to research the list, we’re only going back to the 1986-87 season. It’s far enough back in time to make some of the guys on the list obscure, but not far enough back to where you won’t remember them.

In no order, here are some of the more random players to score 50 points in an NBA game over the past 24 seasons.

Vernon Maxwell

Before Ron Artest and the “Malice at the Palace”, there was Vernon Maxwell running into the stands and punching a fan. While “Mad Max” will be remembered most for that, he also finds himself in elite company as one of only 60 players to score 50 or more points in a game since the start of the 1986-87 season.

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Best Scorers Without a 50-Point Game posted on 11/28/2009

I just got done watching the surprisingly entertaining game in Denver between the Nuggets and Knicks, a game in which Carmelo Anthony scored 50 points and the Nuggets won 128-125.

When the announcers (I watched the MSG feed, and it’s always disappointing when Mike Breen isn’t there) were recapping the game, they casually mentioned that it was a new career-high of points in a game for Melo.


If my powers of deduction are correct, that means that this is the first time in his career that Melo has scored 50 points in a game.


That can’t be right, right? I mean, this is a guy that has a reputation around the league for being one of the best pure scorers in the game today. Surely he’s dropped for 50 before.


I needed to consult to be sure.

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